Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Willinga Park Vet Hospital provides comprehensive care for equine athletes, collaborating closely with referring veterinarians and owners to restore and maintain optimal health. Our experts in sports medicine, rehabilitation, surgery, internal medicine, and farriery leverage state-of-the-art technology and facilities to ensure top-notch services. We also understand the crucial role rehabilitation plays in the recovery and well-being of our equine patients. Our rehabilitation services are designed to cater to the unique needs of horses, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored approach to their recovery journey.

  • Advanced Imaging - At Willinga Park Vet Hospital, we are proud to introduce a ground-breaking advancement in equine diagnostics — the Esaote G-scan MRI, an unparalleled system dedicated to the precise evaluation of bone and soft tissue injuries. Standing as the sole system of its kind in Australia, this technology marks a transformative milestone in equine healthcare. The G-scan is the only MRI system capable of scanning the limbs of horses, including the carpus, tarsus, and stifle. The design and rotating mechanism of the G-scan enable the creation of exceptional three-dimensional images, providing a comprehensive view of anatomical structures, including the head and neck. The G-scan MRI complements traditional lameness evaluations, seamlessly integrating with digital radiography and ultrasonography. This synergy empowers our veterinary team to diagnose bone and soft tissue diseases comprehensively.
  • Extensive Rehabilitation Facilities: Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in accelerating recovery after injury and maintaining peak performance. Our rehabilitation amenities include an aqua treadmill, swimming pool, specialised horse walker, shaker platform, thermo lights, and padded stables. These features collectively provide low-impact exercise options, controlled swimming exercises, circular exercise for even muscle development, controlled vibrations for muscle stimulation, targeted infrared heat therapy, and comfortable support during stable rest, enhancing the rehabilitation process for horses recovering from various conditions. Our facilities feature several indoor and outdoor Otto Sport ebb and flow arenas and round yards including a covered arena, and three outdoor arenas. Additionally, our paddocks offer a natural and spacious environment for horses to move freely during rehabilitation, promoting joint mobility and overall conditioning.
  • Lameness Investigation: Our board-certified specialists employ a full spectrum of diagnostic imaging modalities for thorough lameness evaluations. A comprehensive lameness workup includes limb palpation, flexion tests, and trotting or lunging, followed by specialty diagnostic tests. We offer regenerative medicine, therapeutic farrier services, fracture repair, and minimally invasive surgical procedures like arthroscopy and tenoscopy.
  • Regenerative Joint Treatment: We proudly offer therapies such as ProStride, leveraging the remarkable healing potential within the horse’s own body. ProStride is an autologous protein solution derived from the horse’s own blood, rich in anti-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and other healing components.
  • Upper Airway Disease Evaluation: Our experts address common performance-limiting problems, including upper airway disease. Specialised diagnostic procedures such as video endoscopy, radiography, and ultrasonography, evaluate airway function. We offer conventional and laser surgery procedures for conditions like laryngeal hemiplegia (roaring), dorsal displacement of the soft palate, epiglottic entrapment, and arytenoid chondritis.

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