Bird's-eye View of Willinga Park

Bird's-eye View of Willinga Park

Bird's-eye View of Willinga Park

08 December 2016

With the warm sunny days now upon us and the recent completion of the stables and indoor arena, it was a perfect time to take a ride in the chopper and take some new pics of Willinga.

Here are a few from the ride; the first shows the stables and outdoor arena towards the bottom left and the indoor arena top right.

The first close up of the stables shows the walker and pool in the foreground and stables and outdoor arena in the background. The second shows the arena in the foreground and stables in the background, also towards the top of this pic you can see the indoor arena.

The bird’s-eye view doesn’t show you inside the stunning indoor arena that sits under the equally spectacular roof; however it does show you the beautiful landscaped grounds in which it sits. Towards the top of the photo you can catch a glimpse of a pool that makes up an amazing water feature where the water comes cascading down from the concrete structure towering above.

We will post some more photos on this water feature in a separate post.