Willinga to Paris

Willinga to Paris

Willinga to Paris

30 May 2022

We are incredibly excited to be seeing Jayden & his Dressage Dream Team off as they embark on what can only be described as a once in a lifetime opportunity, jet setting across the world with one goal in mind – Paris Olympic Gold 2024…

Jayden and his two grooms Maddy and Lilly will head overseas with 6 fur covered, carrot consuming and absolutely magnificently talented Willinga Park athletes – Quincy, Sky Diamond, Miana, Tito, Fangio and Spot on… Also known as ‘The Horses’.
Once touching down in the UK and heading to their new home at Chedington Equestrian, Jayden has already planned to hit the ground running… with their first comp scheduled just merely a week post arrival.

We would like to take a moment to reflect on the endless generosity of Terry & Ginette Snow as they support and share Jayden & his team’s colossal competitive energy, not to mention their monumental love for horses.
This dynamic partnership of likeminded visionaries within the Equine industry is sure to create magic and further revolutionise one of our favourite Equestrian disciplines – Dressage.

The word ‘dressage’ is French, evolving from the verb dressuer meaning to train.
Here at Willinga Park we understand that to train is to excel in whatever you put your mind to… and in doing so, we strive for Excellence.
Hence, we set our goals sky bound and plan on Going for Gold in the Paris Olympics 2024.

We look forward to sharing our Willinga Park Dressage Dream Team’s journey over the next couple of years as they take the dressage world by a storm…

Watch. This. Space.